Blog Archive

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Q1..2013 ... Heading to a close !!

'm blogging today, after 8 months.....feeling a little weird, as to what made me not be regular to my blogs..
After some moments of pondering, I realized that the last couple of years have just gone by, with me focusing a lot on everything around me....BUT NOT MYSELF. And that has actually resulted in sapping up a lot of my sweat and emotions.

Others' happiness, Others' beliefs, Others' pain.... is what has ruled 2011-2012 and the initial period of 2013.

Health and Career have been through a BUMPY ride.... my take on various aspects of life have become a little SUBDUED... and I personally, have become a little "less expressive".

Human Life does take you through experiences that sometimes make us pause and ask the GREAT ONE..."why and how"??... SILENCE SAYS A LOT (for the future..i guess), most of the times.

The existence of an individual is determined by his or her nature and the respect he or she commands from everyone associated to him or her, and, the trust, respect, and, commitment given (genuinely) to everyone associated to him or her - THROUGHOUT ONE'S EXISTENCE. The strength or fragility of any relationship is based on this.

TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NONE!!!! "Emotions and Relationships should....".

2013 hasn't really kicked off the way, I wanted it only wish is to MAKE AMENDS SOON... EVERY DONKEY, ALONG WITH THE DOG...also has his or her day.  And this is where I don the roles of both.

Q1..2013 is heading to a close...and so is my generosity towards certain issues. This year, going forward, is going to be all about, RE-DISCOVERING MYSELF......

I, ME, AUR, MAIN..  Cheerz.

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