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Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Transitory Lyf ..

A transitory lyf is all we have. 

So why do we boast, why do we disproportionately exaggerate our earthly, mortal and brittle achievements? The physical in us, no matter how strong, fails us when the Prince of Gloom appears. 
When death appears, 
the physical deserts us no matter how strong it is, t
he vital deserts us no matter how enthusiastic it is, 
the mind deserts us no matter how brilliant it is, 
the heart deserts us no matter how kind and pure it is.

A transitory lyf is all we have. 

Why then do we listen to the dictates of the physical world, the temptation- world? Why? Why? 
Why do we not listen to the dictates of the all-illumining and all-fulfilling soul? Why? Why? Why do we dine each night, all night long, with ignorance-sea? 
Why do we sport with darkness-dragon every day, all day long? Why? Why? 
Why do we not love God even conditionally, if it is impossible for us to love God unconditionally? 
Why? Why?

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