Blog Archive

Friday, July 12, 2024

Living Together, Alone

In the hum of fluorescent lights,

We navigate our parallel orbits,

Two satellites tethered by vows,

Yet spinning in separate spheres.

**Morning Commute:**

He, the harbinger of dawn,

Weaves compassion into his tie,

A smile for the rickshaw puller,

A nod to the chaiwala on the corner.

She, eyes fixed on her phone,

Calculates deadlines and metrics,

Her heart a fortress, guarded,

Against the weight of ancestral expectations.

**Lunch Breaks:**

He shares his tiffin with colleagues,

Roti and aloo sabzi, fragrant and warm.

Their laughter echoes through cubicles,

A camaraderie forged in shared lunches.

She, alone at her desk, orders in,

Sushi or salad, exotic and distant.

Her solitude a refuge from prying eyes,

From the whispers of judgmental aunties.

**Evenings at Home:**

He tends to the balcony garden,

Marigolds and mint thriving under his care.

Their petals mirror the hues of his heart,

A kaleidoscope of love for all living things.

She, behind closed doors, reads poetry,

Rumi and Tagore, their verses a lifeline.

Her soul unfurls, wings brushing the sky,

Seeking solace beyond the mundane.

**Family Gatherings:**

He dances at weddings, twirling dervishes,

His laughter contagious, arms outstretched.

Uncles pat his back, "Good boy, beta,"

As if applause can fill the void within.

She, a silent observer, sips her wine,

Observes the rituals—the haldi, the sindoor.

Her glass holds secrets, liquid courage,

To defy tradition's iron grip.

**Bedtime Whispers:**

He cradles her worries, like fragile birds,

Nestles them in the crook of his neck.

Promises to be her shelter, her monsoon,

As rain taps against the windowpane.

She, eyes closed, dreams of distant shores,

Where love isn't measured in samosas,

Where she can be more than a dutiful daughter,

Where solitude doesn't taste like compromise.

**Living Together, Alone:**

Their love, a delicate equation,

Balancing duty and desire, sacrifice and self.

In this modern yuga, they write their own sutras,

Two souls, entwined yet seeking autonomy.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Will I?

My telling clamors should
match the anguished weeks we've had.
I've cuckolded all of
you with concealed replies,
and now this nervous person
I am is hard to understand. But you see, 
I can't decrypt myself,
for I'm a traveler of my own anguish.

A wanderer without a map,
searching for this flair to enduring.
Uninhabited on strewn land, and each rebellious "I'm okay" makes me more lost.
An unknowable terminus to which discovered,

I may unearth a propelling, 
living new frame and fresh essence unsoiled of a imperfect memory.
Disadvantaged and determined;
I'm holding on for that stimulation of spreading anticipation, 
to where I deal with these views in a better way. 
How long can you
bloom on the unknown?

Will I for one, last another day?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Time to sum up "Life" in 2013 - The Quotation Way.

1. “Ahh, what’s the point? When I like them, they don’t like me, when they like me I don’t like them. Why can’t I act with the ones I like the way I do with the ones I don’t like?”

2. “I can’t die with dignity. I have no dignity. I want to be the one person who doesn’t die with dignity. I’ve lived my whole life in shame! Why should I die with dignity?”

3. “Well, birthdays are merely symbolic of how another year’s gone by and how little we’ve grown. No matter how desperate we are that someday a better self will emerge, with each flicker of the candles on the cake we know it’s not to be. That for the rest of our sad, wretched, pathetic lives, this is who we are to the bitter end – inevitably, irrevocably. Happy birthday? No such thing.”

4. “You’re giving me the ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ routine? I invented ‘It’s not you, it’s me’! No one tells me it’s them. If it’s anybody, it’s me!”

5. “Oh, this is great. This is what I need, just what I need. Okay, take it easy, I’m sure it’s nothing. Probably rats on the track, they’re stopping for rats. God it’s so crowded, how could there be so many people? This guy really smells. Doesn’t anyone use deodorant in the city? What is so hard, you take the cap off, you roll it on. What’s that? I feel something rubbing against me. Disgusting animals, these people should be in a cage. We are in a cage. … I can’t breathe, I feel faint. Okay, take it easy , it’ll start moving soon. Think about people in concentration camps, what they went through. And the hostages. What would you do if you were a hostage? Think about that. This is nothing. No, it’s not nothing, it’s something! It’s a nightmare! HELP ME!”

6. “Why did it all turn out like this for me? I had so much promise. I was personable, I was bright…oh, maybe not academically speaking, but I was perceptive. I always know when someone’s uncomfortable at a party. It all became very clear to me sitting out there today that every decision I’ve ever made in my entire life has been wrong. My life is the complete opposite of everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have, in every aspect of life, be it something to wear, something to eat – it’s all been wrong.”

7. “Breaking up is like knocking over a Coke machine. You can’t do it in one push; you gotta rock it back and forth a few times and then it goes over.”

8. “And if I have to tell you again, we’re gonna take it outside and I’m gonna show you what it’s like, you understand me? Now shut your mouths or I’m gonna shut ‘em for ya! And if you think I’m kidding, just try me, try me. Because I would LOVE IT!”

9. “That’s it! This is it! I’m done! Through! It’s over! I’m gone! Finished! Over! I will never work for you again! Look at you! You think you’re an important man, is that what you think? You are a laughing stock. You are a joke. These people are laughing at you! You’re nothing! You have no brains, no ability, nothing. I quit!”
2014.... am looking forward to breathe every inch of what you have to offer !. GOOD BYE 2013.

CHEERS EVERYONE... B safe...B good.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Similar Time..Same Year !

Picking up from where I left last...frankly, things havent changed much. The only change that has happened has MARCH, 2013 has changed to NOVEMBER, 2013. Winter is setting in, which is a soother.

Forgive me for being very very abstract in this piece of write up..coz, I frankly am a little thoughtless as of now.

A new work environment keeps me occupied for about 12 hours in a day...apart from that, days are going very stale and slow. People around me are losing lives and hope....i am losing despair.

NOVEMBER 19, 2013....

A fantastic team at work...a source of laughter.. otherwise......emotions - NIL-Empty.

People on the virtual world will always be a number. I have only a few..both in the real world as well as on the virtyal world. BUT ONE PERSON I WANT TO MENTION ABOUT RIGHT the one, whom I dont interact with on the virtual world and havent met since 2006....SAVINA PIERARA... You are a darling. always will be :-) JUMBO SIZE HUG.

(sorry for being stale in this write-up..... men are jerks!)

Time has come to WAKE UP...n WAKE UP TO THE ESSENTIALS...30 arriving soon.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Q1..2013 ... Heading to a close !!

'm blogging today, after 8 months.....feeling a little weird, as to what made me not be regular to my blogs..
After some moments of pondering, I realized that the last couple of years have just gone by, with me focusing a lot on everything around me....BUT NOT MYSELF. And that has actually resulted in sapping up a lot of my sweat and emotions.

Others' happiness, Others' beliefs, Others' pain.... is what has ruled 2011-2012 and the initial period of 2013.

Health and Career have been through a BUMPY ride.... my take on various aspects of life have become a little SUBDUED... and I personally, have become a little "less expressive".

Human Life does take you through experiences that sometimes make us pause and ask the GREAT ONE..."why and how"??... SILENCE SAYS A LOT (for the future..i guess), most of the times.

The existence of an individual is determined by his or her nature and the respect he or she commands from everyone associated to him or her, and, the trust, respect, and, commitment given (genuinely) to everyone associated to him or her - THROUGHOUT ONE'S EXISTENCE. The strength or fragility of any relationship is based on this.

TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NONE!!!! "Emotions and Relationships should....".

2013 hasn't really kicked off the way, I wanted it only wish is to MAKE AMENDS SOON... EVERY DONKEY, ALONG WITH THE DOG...also has his or her day.  And this is where I don the roles of both.

Q1..2013 is heading to a close...and so is my generosity towards certain issues. This year, going forward, is going to be all about, RE-DISCOVERING MYSELF......

I, ME, AUR, MAIN..  Cheerz.

Monday, July 2, 2012


When I was a child, I used to forget.. And I was told to "LEARN TO REMEMBER!!" to move ahead..

Now, when I'm old and able to remember, I'm told.."LEARN TO FORGET!!" and move ahead..

THAT'S LIFE and more importantly (preaches filled with) a Paradox called HUMAN LIFE..... 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

India SHINING In "Disarray"...

Its week 2 of June, 2012... and the summer is not showing any signs of "mercy" to the citizens of India.. :(. The rupee is shrinking...the jobs are vanishing..."printing and distribution of pink slips" has increased... prices of fuel, vegetables, and all other essential commodities are taking an "upward curve"...airlines are not functioning...salaries are not increasing... BUT THE GOVERNMENT HAS TIME AND MONEY TO SPEND Rs 35 Lacs to "furnish and swank up their (u better believe this!!!) WASHROOMS!!!
Here, they are not cash-strapped since its got nothing to do with "GLOBAL OIL PRICES" :-)

The people who rule us don't think a second to "jack up the fuel price by 7.50 Rs (even more in the southern states - thanks to the highest citizen-friendly hole-in-the-pocket tax that is coughed up)"..but WILL "brainstorm" for 10 days to do us a favor by pulling down the same price by (WOW....what a relief!!!) 2 Rs.

Education and Career Pursued today, have no "sync" whatsoever with each other..unless and until one belongs to the CREAM Institutions in the country (and by the way....the same institutions are finding it tough --- thanx to the salary expectations created".)

ANNA HAZARE and his team gave us some hope to "fight corruption" in this country...Now, he is finding it tough to manage differences in his own group.

90% of Indian Companies today are dependent on the West, for 80%-90% of their revenue..and this is why the economy has given them a shocker... Employees need more salaries since they need to take care of their overheads...STOP USING PLASTIC MONEY!! U WILL BE UNDER TORTURE ONE DAY!!

WAKE UP PLEAASEE!!!!!!! I know we are in a globalized world wherein, its imeprative to have a world-wide presence...but not at the cost of "not being self-sufficient and self-dependent". IT'S TIME TO TAKE TECHNOLOGY AND OPPORTUNITIES TO THE RURAL BASES OF THIS LARGE COUNTRY  and one would see the population doing things that you and I sitting in our comfy air-conditioned rooms CAN NEVER IN OUR WILDEST OF DREAMS IMAGINE..

TIME TO SHED THE DIGNITY OF LABOR...AND CREATE EMPLOYMENT IN AREAS THAT WE HAVE PROBLEMS WITH.... "Earn only Rs 300 a day..but be proud and peaceful when you go to bed every night, coz u have done things that a person sitting in a swanky BMW would never even try (and also cannot) to do"

INDIA RIGHT NOW..NEEDS MORE EMPLOYERS THAN meet the needs of BOTH URBAN AND RURAL INDIA...FRANKLY, TODAY THE RURAL INDIA is more "richer" than the URBAN INDIA that I know, and "if things go the way they are currently, then BE PREPARED TO PICK THE BITS AND PIECES"..